Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.

Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.
-Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg’s quote talks about how people are living their lives with chains on. She says that most of the times it is not even visible but they’re still there and we can’t see them because we grow up seeing this life style around us every day, so the only thing we know is this way of living. We don’t even try to change anything or think that we can be different and better. Since we grow up seeing this life style every day, it’s difficult for us to see the chains because they’re invisible.
This quote is an example of how important it is to question what you’re told and what you see around you. Many people live their lives small, thinking that their life is as it should be and they don’t even try to change anything. However, these people are the ones that are oppressed and they’re not aware of it. They just think that their life is as it should be because they follow the rules of society without questioning them.
Society gives to us rules about how we should live our lives, but most people never question them. This is because they think their life is as it should be and they don’t even try to change anything. However, these rules are made by the power holders for their benefit and not ours. We go to schools which prepare us to get a job and we don’t think about it. We just do what we’re told by them because we don’t even try to change anything.
This means that the power holders make rules like school, work, religion etc. in order for us not to fight back against them and be their slaves. They give us this life style because they want us to be like them, work in their system for our whole lives and die. When we follow the rules of society like this, we’re living our life small.
Final thoughts:
This quote talks about how important it is to question everything and not be like those people who don’t even try to change anything because they think their lives are as they should be. We must try to see the invisible chains that we have around us and fight against them so we can live our lives bigger.