Sometimes life seems a dark tunnel with no light at the end, but if you just keep moving forward, you will end up in a better place.

Sometimes life seems a dark tunnel with no light at the end, but if you just keep moving forward, you will end up in a better place. – Jeffrey Fry
Sometimes life is hard. It is easy to feel lost and discouraged in life, but there are always reasons for trying. No matter how dark the tunnel seems right now you can find your way out with just a little bit more effort on your part!
If you keep moving forward with hope and positivity, you will find the light. It might be a small flickering light in the distance, or it could be that one person who can help change your life for the better. Whatever it may be, just remember to always have hope because there are good things waiting on the other side of this dark tunnel called life.
It can be hard to keep going and stay motivated when you feel like your life is spiraling out of control. However, if we look back on the people who have achieved great things in their lives, they all had moments where it felt impossible to go on. They just kept going regardless of how bad or dark a time they were having.
You don’t need an amazing idea for success. You just need two feet that will never stop moving forward until you get there! So instead of thinking about why something isn’t working right now, think about what would happen if one day everything went as planned and imagine yourself doing exactly what’s needed at every stage.