Category: Strong

Your Impact on Others is Greater Than You Imagine

Your impact on other people is bigger than you think. Someone still giggles when they think of that funny thing you said. Someone still smiles when they think of the compliment you gave them. Someone silently admires you. The advice you give has made a difference for people. In the vast tapestry of human interactions, our actions carry a weight...

When one door closes, another opens. Or you can open the closed door. That’s how door works.

When one door closes, another opens. Or you can open the closed door. That’s how door works. Life is full of moments of transition, of endings and beginnings. Some of these transitions are forced upon us by circumstances outside of our control, while others are the result of deliberate choices we make to move in a new direction. Whatever the...

Sometimes people pretend you’re a bad person, so they don’t feel guilty about the things they did to you.

Sometimes people pretend you’re a bad person, so they don’t feel guilty about the things they did to you. It’s a sad reality that sometimes people will try to justify their actions by painting you as a bad person. It’s a defense mechanism that allows them to avoid feeling guilty about what they’ve done to you. By making you out...

Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away.

Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away. Negative people thrive on drama and conflict, as it gives them a sense of importance and control. They often seek out situations where they can create or exacerbate problems, and they feed off the negative energy that comes with it. However, it is important to remember...

You can’t explain to others how deep a hurt is, words never express how our hearts are broken and other people can never heal it for us.

You can’t explain to others how deep a hurt is, words never express how our hearts are broken and other people can never heal it for us. Dealing with emotional pain is the hardest thing in life, Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or a betrayal, these experiences can leave us feeling broken and alone. It’s...